ONE DAY (full)


Chapter One: One Day

It was a beautiful morning and I was walking alone toward my destination. The timing was bad and so was my mood. I was a completely alone girl in this new town. I had only one friend, a girl named Alina. I didn't know why everyone avoided me. They started whispering whenever they saw me and criticized my appearance and speaking style. I wished I had more friends and even a boyfriend who would always be by my side, like the prince of my dreams.

My name was Maria Vladimirovna, but I went by the nickname Rita. I was a beautiful 15-year-old girl, like a butterfly. My father was from Bangladesh and my mother was Ukrainian, and they loved each other very much. I spent my childhood in Sirajganj, Bangladesh, but now live in Cherkasy, Ukraine with my mother and younger sister Marisha.

As I was walking down the street, a strange man suddenly appeared. He looked human but had an unkempt appearance and a dirty face. Despite this, there was something magical about his face. I approached him out of curiosity.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"A being human," he replied.

"But what do you do here?"

"I am waiting for the right time," he said mysteriously.

I asked him what the right time was, but he didn't answer. Instead, he asked me who I was. I introduced myself as Maria.

The man suddenly became angry and told me to leave. I called him a crazy drunkard, but he insisted that he was not intoxicated. I walked away, telling Alina about the strange encounter later.

The next day, I went looking for the man but couldn't find him anywhere. Despite his being strange, I found myself drawn to him. I sat for a long time, thinking about him, and feeling as lonely as the sky above.

On the third day, I finally found him on my way to school. He was in a worse condition than before, as some people had beaten him up thinking he was crazy. I invited him to come home with me, and my mother allowed him to take a bath and stay for dinner. His name was Saki.

My mother tasked me with taking care of Saki, and warned me that I would have no protection if there were any disturbances. I agreed to look after him and gave him a towel and some new clothes for a bath.

After dinner, Saki came out to the balcony looking refreshed and handsome. He thanked me for everything and we talked for a while. That was the start of a strange and unexpected friendship.

Chapter Two: A Mysterious Stranger

As the days passed, I got to know Saki better. He told me about his life and I learned that he was an angel who had been cast out of heaven because of a mistake he made. He had been wandering the earth ever since, trying to find a way to regain his place in heaven. I felt sorry for him and wanted to help in any way I could.

Despite the fact that Saki was an angel, I couldn't help but feel drawn to him. He was kind, and caring and always listened to me. I found myself falling in love with him, and I soon realized that he felt the same way about me.

However, our happiness was short-lived. One day, Saki disappeared without a trace. I searched for him everywhere but there was no sign of him. I was heartbroken and felt as though my life had no meaning without him.

Chapter Three: The Search Begins

I refused to give up on finding Saki and decided to start my own investigation. I asked around town and eventually, I found someone who had seen him. The man told me that Saki had been seen near a lake in the forest, so I set off to find him.

As I walked through the forest, I felt a sense of foreboding. The trees seemed to close in around me and I heard strange noises in the distance. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling out to me. It was Saki's voice.

I ran towards the voice and found Saki lying on the ground. He was badly injured and looked as though he was on the brink of death. I was filled with fear and despair, but I refused to let him die.

Chapter Four: A Desperate Gamble

I made a desperate gamble and decided to use my love for Saki to try and save him. I placed my hand on his chest and focused all of my love and energy on him. To my surprise, his wounds started to heal and his breathing became stronger.

However, this act of love had a consequence. The love that I had for Saki was so strong that it caused a chain reaction, and all of the angels who had been cast out of heaven suddenly returned to their rightful place. Saki was among them, and he looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

Chapter Five: A Family Reunited

As Saki returned to heaven, I was filled with sadness but also a sense of peace. I knew that Saki was where he belonged and that he was safe. However, I was also left with a sense of emptiness, as I had lost the love of my life.

Years passed and I built a new life for myself. I got married and had children, but I never forgot about Saki. However, one day, as I was walking through the forest with my children, I heard a voice calling out to me. It was Saki.

He had returned to earth to be with me and to start a new life together as a family. I was overjoyed and tears streamed down my face as I hugged him. We were finally reunited, and our love was stronger than ever.

The rest of our days were filled with happiness and love, and we lived out the rest of our lives together as a family. We never forgot the sacrifices that we had made for each other and our love remained strong until the end of our days.



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